About SEE
Southeastern Electric Exchange is a non-profit, non-political trade association of investor-owned electric utility companies founded in 1933.


  • To promote the common interests and growth of its members; and
  • To develop and enhance the human, operational and technical resources of members companies to the fullest.
  • To provide coordination of storm restoration services to impacted member companies.

This Mission is accomplished through the work of 25 member-driven working groups:

  • Each group plans and implements training meetings, workshops, seminars, or conferences during which relevant technical information is presented and / or shared.
  • Working Groups often provide a means to present a consensus opinion to national standards-making organizations.
  • Working Groups often develop and implement appropriate research and survey activities.
  • One S.E.E. working group coordinates the storm restoration resources for the member companies

Activities Summary:

  • Over 30 working group meetings annually
  • Special workshops as needed, such as - "How Utilities Make Money"
  • Benchmarking surveys - over 175 annually
  • Coordination of Mutual Assistance events - typically 8 to 10 events annually
  • Annual Conference & Trade Show - attendance 1500; 120 booths

    What geographical areas does S.E.E. serve?

    SEE Industry
    Excellence Awards:

    Mark Your Calendar

    June 24-27, 2025
    Orlando, FL

    © 2024 The Southeastern Electric Exchange. All rights reserved.